Irish Financial Independence & Personal Finance Podcast

Becoming the Mexican Fisherman

Monday 25th November 2019

Michael makes a big announcement in this episode. Michael has made the decision to start living in a "semi-retired" status. He talks about how the story of "The Mexican Fisherman" inspired him to work towards reducing his working hours as much as possible.

Michael talks about how a couple of his projects which he has been working on are now at a stage where he can step into them more and as a result, is able to cut back on his web development hours and effectively has become semi retired as a result - working around 10 hours per week.

Quotes from the Episode:

"Forever has to start one day. We are so prone to look so far into the distance, we forget we need to make the leap at some point into retirement."

"The FIRE Movement is more of a time independence movement."

Show Notes:

The Mexican Fisherman on the Informed Decisions Podcast:

Recent article about Michael developing hockey clubs in Munster:

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