Saturday 16th January 2021
In the first episode of 2021, Michael announces that the format of the show for 2021 will change slightly. Michael will answer questions he gets on financial independence from listeners this year - typically answering two or three questions per episode.
Michael gives a quick update on his own financial journey, before answering the following questions in this episode:
1. Should I set up a company to use as a vehicle for my investments?
2. Should I fear market crashes?
3. When it comes to calculating your FI number, how do I handle extra expenses in the future? Does this just mean that FI is pushed out further down the track, or is there another way of dealing with this?
Email me your FIRE questions to [email protected].
Show Notes:
Take a look at the "Irish Savers Action Group" - who are actively talking to TDs to change and encourage tax incentives on savings and investments:
Become an Irish FIRE Member at: